Super Bowl

Super Bowl Give-Away!

Hey Dudes! Happy Super Bowl Sunday! We’re giving away Three Free Issues of Blaze Today. You can all give our buddy @metrodreamscapes a pat on the back for sponsoring this give-away. He sent over a crisp $20 along with some stamps to help us out in getting Blaze out there to you guys. All you need to do to enter is follow @amazingblazezine, & tag two buddies in the comments below who might dig Blaze. That’s It. Then we’ll gather the entries and send out an Issue of Blaze to # 3 lucky winners. Enjoy the Game. Hope your team wins.


Wendell Tyler

Birthday shout-out to our guy Mr. Wendell Tyler!! Did you know Wendell is the 1st running back to lead two different teams in rushing during a Super Bowl? He gained 60 yards in the L.A. Rams 31-19 defeat in Super Bowl XIV to the Pittsburgh Steelers, and raked up 65 yards while a member of the San Francisco 49ers, when they whooped up on the Miami Dolphins in Super Bowl XIX 38-16.